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Viel Spaß beim Trainieren,

Diemo Ruhnow

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Badminton DVDs Lauftechnik Schlagtechnik Lernen
Weitere Literatur zum Thema Schlaf & Regeneration:
Verklebungen im Bindegewebe werden gelöst. Der Stoffwechsel und die Durchblutung werden gefördert.
When we train, micro-tears are created in the body’s muscles, hence the soreness you feel after exercise. These micro-tears inhibit the body’s ability to produce Glycogen, the substance which stores carbohydrates and fuels the muscle’s energy. Correct recovery after exercise is crucial for reducing muscle soreness, preventing injuries and increasing physical ability. People who train use percussive therapy as a technique for recovery, however, it can also be used by individuals as a technique for rehabilitation purposes [1]. For example, individuals who suffer from chronic pains as well as post-surgery recovery. Lastly, percussive therapy can also be used recreationally as it is known to provide maximum comfort by relaxing the muscles.
This post will define what percussive therapy is and the science behind it. We will be discussing the benefits of percussion massage for different individuals by providing evidence for these. This post will explore examples of percussive therapy in action in order for the readers to understand in more depth how percussive therapy wor
Percussive therapy is a recovery method which uses soft tissue manipulation in order to relieve muscle tension, promote pain-relief and relaxation. Mechanical pressures with low-frequency vibrations act together to accelerate the recovery process[2].The increased skin and muscle temperature causes an increase in the delivery of oxygen, therefore an increase in blood circulation in the targeted areas. This improves healing and increases physical performance. Enhancing muscle ability and physical performance also occurs through percussive therapy by rearranging muscle mass fibers, targeting pain caused by muscle spasm and tear, and repairing muscle tissue and tendons. For example, when you run, it causes tightening and pulling on your hamstrings, which results in your muscles getting micro-tears which develop scar tissue. This overtime may lead to persistent stiffness and discomfort. The use of percussion massage therapy will help your hamstrings recover faster after running.
Percussion massage is also known for activating ‘neurological excitability’, by increasing hormones such as dopamine and reducing discomfort by increasing serotonin. This has been proven to elevate your mood by increasing relaxation and comfort. Percussion massage therapy has been compared to the Swedish massage for the deep and rapid movements on different parts of the body. However, within percussive therapy, tools such as percussion massage guns, provide faster and shorter duration pulses along with vibrations into the muscles and tendons which increases the time of the recovery [1].
Maximizing your performance is not only a matter of how much you train, it relies on a balance of training and recovery, as this prevents maladaptation, physiological and psychological stresses [2]. Intensive training may cause contractions and tissue tears which may lead to muscle massage, tissue inflammation, delayed muscle soreness (DOMS) and fatigue [4]. In order to minimize pain and fatigue, percussive massage therapy is the most commonly used technique, as it improves recovery by increasing blood and lymphatic flow when used pre and post-exercise [4].
Massage, the oldest technique of manipulation of the tissue of the body, has been used for rehabilitation, relaxation and recovery purposes as it enhances health and well-being overall, by increasing endorphins [1] [5] [6]. On the other hand, low-frequency vibrations have also been proven to accelerate the recovery process by stimulating muscle receptors [7][8]. A study [4] found that massage and vibration therapy are both equally effective techniques to use for preventing and treating muscle injuries. The use of massage and vibration therapy together, has many benefits as well. An investigation [3] in 2018 , on different types of post-exercise recovery techniques on muscle damage and inflammation, found that massage as a technique was the most effective [3]. Percussion massage allows for anyone to perform to the best of their ability.




Viel Spaß beim Trainieren,

Diemo Ruhnow

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Badminton DVDs Lauftechnik Schlagtechnik Lernen
Carciello, S. & Rossi, S. & Visona, E. & Corona, K. & Oliva, F. Clinical applications of vibration therapy in orthopaedic practice. Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons Journal. 2016, vol. 6:1. P. 147-156. [online]. Available at: doi: 10.11138/mltj/2016.6.1.147.
Dupuy, O. & Douzi, W. & Theurot, D. & Bosquet, L. & Dugue, B. An Evidence-Based Approach for Choosing Post-exercise Recovery Techniques to Reduce Markers of Muscle Damage, Soreness, Fatigue, and Inflammation: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Physiology. 2018, vol. 9:403 [online]. Available at: doi:10.3389/fphys.2018.00403.
McGillicuddy, M. & Solien-Wolfe, L. What Massage Therapy Brings to the Table. Journal of American Chiropractic Association, 2005, Massage Therapy, Vol.42(2). P. 10-13 [online]. Available at:
Imtiyaz, S. & Veqar, Z & Shareef, M. To compare the effect of vibration therapy and massage in prevention of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014, vol. 8(1). P. 133-136 [online]. Available at: DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2014/7294.3971.
Gasibat, Q. & Suwehli, W. Determining the Benefits of Massage Mechanisms: A review of Literature’. Rehabilitation Sciences. 2017, vol 2:3, P. 58-67[online]. Available at: DOI: 10.11648/
Brummitt, J. Literature Review: The Role of Massage in Sports Performance and Rehabilitation: Current Evidence and Future Direction. North American Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. 2008, Vol 3:1. P. 7-21 [online]. Available at:
Diego, M. & Field, T. & Sanders, C. & Hernandez-Reif, M. Massage Therapy of Moderate and Light Pressure and Vibrator Effects on EEG and Heart Rate. International Journal of Neuroscience. 2004, Vol. 114. P. 31-45 [online]. Available at: DOI: 10.1080/00207450490249446
Edge, J. & Mundel, T. & Weir, K. & Cochrane, D. The effects of acure whole body vibration as a recovery modality following high-intensity interval training in well-trained middle-aged runners. European Journal of applied Physiology. (2009), vol:105. P. 421-418 [online]. Available at: DOI 10.1007/s00421-008-0919-z.

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